Exploring Temples in Yogyakarta : Candi Mendut

Exploring Temples in Yogyakarta : Candi Mendut
Mendut Temple
Tourism IdeasMendut Temple is a Buddhism Temple and located in Mendut Village, District Mungkid, Magelang regency, Central Java, about 38 km to the northwest of Yogyakarta. The location is only about 3 km from the temple of Borobudhur, which presumably have close links with Pawon and Mendut. Viewed from their positions,  Pawon Temple, Borobudur Temple and Mendut Temple lies on a straight line.

According to Kayumwungu Inscription and Karang Tengah Inscription, Mendut Temple was built by Pramodyawardhani. In addition to the worship of the gods, Mendut temple was built to honor the ancestral dynastyof Syailendra. As a Buddhism Temple, Mendut Temple has reliefs which bore the stories of moral values as reflected by animal stories brought by Pancatantra from India.

In the quite spaciuos rooms, there are three Mendut Buddha statues. Right before the doors there are Buddha Sakyamuni, the Buddha was preaching. Buddha is depicted in a sitting position with hands dharmacakramudra attitude, the attitude is mewejangkan teachings.

Exploring Temples in Yogyakarta : Candi Mendut

On the right side, facing south, there is a statue of Bodhisattva Avalokiteswara, the Buddha as a human savior. Buddha is depicted in a sitting position with your left leg bent and the right leg hanging down. Right foot hitching a ride on a small lily pads.

On the left side of the room, facing north, there is a statue of Bodhisattva Maitreya ie liberator of man sitting with hands simhakarnamudra attitude, similar attitudes vitarkamudra but his fingers closed. All three statues in this room is wearing, fitted with, 'prabha "or divine light around his head.


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